Fallout New Vegas

About this mod

This mod adds several NPCs in major areas like Freeside, McCarran, The Fort and around the Mojave, dead bodies and creatures in places they'd fit and restores some unused animations found in the game's files.

Permissions and credits
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As much as The Living DesertMojave Wildlife and Uncut Wasteland are great to add life around the Mojave, I felt some areas still needed something more. Rather than bothering further TLD's author with my suggestions I decided to make this mod. 

List of locations where I added NPCs:

Camp McCarran
First area: added an NCR cook near the mess tent. Restored the cut NCR Sentry Bot patrolling the perimeter, it won't spawn if you have Outside Bets installed as OB already restores it.
Terminal building: added five fluff troopers.
Concourse: added four fluff troopers. 
Courtyard: added five recruits training under the supervision of an NCR instructor (exercises animations from Operation Anchorage found in the NV .bsa were reimplemented). 

The Fort
Added four crucified slaves. Crucifixion markers were already placed in vanilla, but left unused.
Added prime legionaries training with the mannequins near the weather station, a centurion and a few sandboxing Veterans. Added another Centurion near the mess tent, another blacksmith close to Caesar's tent, a Decanus overlooking Hoover Dam and two recruit legionaries. Also added another slave inside the pen and a Legion mongrel.

Atomic Wrangler: added several gamblers and a hooker. 
Added several squatters and locals around, two drunks and more Kings. 

Dead Wind Cavern
Added three dead NPCs inside, dead brahmins, two dead ants, human remains, brahmin skulls and bones. You know, to make it look like it's the home of dangerous predators.

Hoover Dam
Exterior: added three soldiers walking around the visitor center, two rangers on the towers, another ranger on the visitors center roof. Also added 2 troopers in the lower area accessible from the power plants 02/04.
Power Plants 02/03/04: added engineers and NCR troopers. Several markers have been placed around so they look busy.
Lower level: added an engineer.
Offices: added an NCR cook.

The rest
Added dead hunters in the following locations: in front of Bootjack cave, inside Nopah Cave, at Quarry Junction (and a dead ant, too).
Added two unlucky victims inside House Tools.
Added another chem addict at El Rey Motel.
Added a drifter with his dog not distant from where you find YCS 186/the Alien Blaster. Place has a map marker.
Added two dead legionaries floating near Boulder Beach Campground.
Added an NCR cook inside the House resort in Camp Golf.
Added five radroaches around the Toxic Dump. WOW!!
Added three dead mercenaries inside Vault 22.
Added two Great Khans fighting in Red Rock Canyon.
Added two dead Powder gangers and a dead brahmin in the deathclaw nest located south of Whittaker Farmstead.
Added a Fiend roasting NCR bodies and another bashing a dead traveler near Nephi's base.
Added a dead Fiend close to the entrance of the Ant Mound.
Added two hostile non-feral ghouls north of House Tools. Another hostile ghoul is located nearby.
Added two (hostile) named Super mutants to the Devil's Throat.
Added a radscorpion queen to the Searchlight Airport.
Added two mercenaries to the Grub n' Gulp.
Added two NCR troopers at RS Delta.
Added a Vexillarius in Cottonwood Cove and another one at the Legion Raid Camp.
Added a hostile named character south east of East pump station. 
Added a hostile scavenger at Durable Dunn's sacked caravan.
Added some Sunset Sarsaparilla Star Caps Hunters around the Mojave.
Added two Great Khan Scouts.
Added a hostile Raider around East Vegas.
Added an unlucky wastelander dealing with a Sentry Bot around REPCONN HQ.
Added a dead prospector to Jack Rabbit Springs and another one inside the Basincreek Building.
Added two dead NCR troopers in Black Mountain to reflect what the cut note says.
Added three NCR troopers at Camp Golf to fill three empty guard towers and two Westside Militia around Westside to fill other empty towers. Also added a few NPCs near the Westside west entrance.
Added two North Vegas Residents outside House Tools.
Added a mercenary between the New Vegas Medical Clinic and Freeside North Gate.
Added two hunters at the Deathclaw Promontory and a small hunter camp east of Camp Forlorn Hope.
Also added an unmarked prospector camp near the Mesquite Mountains crater.
Added two brahmins in Goodsprings.
Aside from NPCs, this mod also add some furniture markers to allow NPCs to do things and not just wander around. 

Old World Blues
Completing X-8 Data Retrieval Test and Project X-13 will cause Robobrains to set up a research center at REPCONN HQ and Cyberdogs will spawn around small settlements in the Mojave. 

FPGE content
Starting from version 1.5, after you've completed the game some NCR and Legion camps will no longer be left abandoned.
-RS Foxtrot, Bravo, and Alpha will be taken over by cazadors, ghouls and lakelurks, respectively.
-Bitter Springs will be taken over by cazadors in any non-NCR ending.
-Cottonwood Cove will be flooded by fire geckos if you sided with House or Yes Man.
-RS Charlie will be retaken by the NCR should you side with them.
-Nelson will be controlled by raiders in an Independent ending; a few prospectors will wander around town if you side with House instead.
-The Legion Raid Camp will be the home of nightstalkers in any non-Legion ending.
-Boulder City Meorial will be destroyed in Legion endings.


A patch for FPGE is available. No longer needed since version 1.7.
DiDisaan made a patch for Simple Freeside Open, get it here: DiDisaan's Patch Emporium


Use a mod manager or manually extract the .rar content into the data folder.
Note that installing this during Arizona Killer will cause the newly added NPCs in Hoover Dam to spawn along the rangers patrolling around. The same might happen during You'll Know When It Happens, so avoid install this if you're currently doing one of these quests. Installing right before talking to Cato Hostilius is perfectly fine, however.
Another small issue is that installing this while currently at the Fort or McCarran will cause the new NPCs to appear with their weapons in their hands. Leaving the area will fix this, but to avoid it entirely either install this on a new game or in a location/cell not touched by this mod.
This mod is best installed early or on a new game; installation post Hoover Dam (FPGE) isn't supported.


All DLCs and xNVSE are required.

Recommended mods

I recommend using this mod with Uncut Wasteland (+ Extra Collection), which restores several cut NPCs to Freeside, McCarran and the Fort.
Mojave WildlifeThe Living Desert and Casino Crowds are also excellent to populate the wasteland and the casinos. FPGE is great, too.


My other mods