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Austria Austria


I'm the creator of popular modlists such as:

Odyssey - A True RPG (Starfield)

Constellations - A True RPG (Skyrim SE)

Path of the Prophet (Enderal SE)

As well as various mods for games like Starfield, Skyrim, Enderal, Wizardry 8, Fallout 4, and Nehrim.


I'm passionate about creating high-quality content that challenges players and immerses them in new worlds.

As a full-time modder, your support is crucial to help me continue creating amazing mods and new adventures. Thank you for considering donating and helping me do the work I love!

You can support what I do on Patreon and Ko-Fi!


If you'd like to know more join my Discord!

I hereby grant Snipey360 exclusive permission to port my mods to

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